Finished on: 10/25/17
About Dalton:
This character is based on my friend from Elementary School, Aram.  Aram is very tall and muscular which was the base of this character.  In real life he has awesome tattoos on his arms, but for my character, I translated them to augmentations on his arms.  His right arm is demonic/magic and the left arm is mechanical/cyborg.  The name Dalton is one of Aram's middle names.  Also, in my lore, Dalton is comfortable in the water because Aram was born and raised in Hawai'i. 

One night in a dark part of New York, Dalton suffered a fatal injuries when he tried to protect his sister from a group of armed thugs.  Dalton successfully defeated half of the dozen attackers before police intervened.  Unfortunately, his sister was wounded beyond treatment so she died at the hospital later that night.  Dalton himself had cuts all over his body and no feeling in his left arm.  After it was clear Dalton's arm wasn't going to recover, a mysterious doctor offered Dalton an experimental cybernetic arm equipped with combat enhancements.  He saw potential in Dalton after his valiant attempt to fight off the thugs.  However, Dalton would only be given the new arm if he swore to fight as a member of the secret task force called Rifend.  Dalton agreed and started a life of crime fighting in order to avenge his sister.

Unfortunately for Dalton, his hardships didn't end there.  The secret task force Rifend kept dangerous human criminals in check, but also dealt with supernatural problems like monsters and magic beings.  On a mission deep in the glaciers of Antarctica, Dalton and his team barely managed to overcome a powerful ice demon.  As Dalton prepared to deliver the final blow on the demon, it unexpectedly transformed into a dark purple cloud and tried to posses Dalton.  The team's cleric tried to save Dalton, but the cloud already took over Dalton's right side.  Unfortunately for the demon, the cleric's healing magic along with Dalton's strong willpower were enough to overcome his possession attempt.  Dalton's entire right arm and parts of his right leg were completely converted and the rest of his skin turned light purple.  No medicine or magic was able to reverse the partial infection, so Dalton decided to embrace his new strength.  Dalton's demonic and cybernetic power makes him a key part of Rifend.

HP: 12000
Strength: 10/10
Magic:  5/10
Defense: 8/10
Speed: 4/10
Intelligence: 7/10

Dalton's human side offers above average vision and hearing.  Dalton is rather intelligent and is excellent at making good decisions in stressful situations.  He was trained in several martial arts and can efficiently use swords or firearms if needed.  Being from an island, Dalton is very comfortable swimming or fighting in the water (cyborg parts have been waterproofed).  

Dalton's demonic infection multiplied his strength tenfold in his right arm.  It is encased in a super resilient scale that protects the arm from intense heat or cold, magic, and conventional fire arms.  The claws can rip through steel with relative ease.  The infection didn't completely take over the parts of Dalton's thigh and leg so they don't benefit from any boost in strength.  However, the scales in these areas still offer protection.  Dalton has access to medium level spells that can be cast from the demonic arm.  He most commonly uses ice magic but can also use fire, lightning, and weak telekinesis.  

Dalton's cybernetic arm is almost as strong and durable as his demonic side.  The arm can emit super concentrated electric shocks at a short range.  An energy field can be deployed from the blue circle on his hand to block incoming projectiles.  The shield isn't as durable as his demonic arm but can offer a wide area of protection for team members close by to Dalton.  Spiked knuckles can be deployed as well.  
Rifend Universe:
The Rifend Universe is going to be where some of my original characters exist.  A task force similar to Blizzard's Overwatch operates in secret to protect humankind from a plethora of dangerous foes.  In this world, both magic and advanced technology exist.  Rifend is an anagram of the word friend because each character in this universe will be based on one of my friends from real life.  
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