Fall Semester 2017

Nudge Design Portfolio Part 1
What problem on Hofstra's campus can we fix with nudge design?
Assignment Description:

"You will be creating an example proposal for a nudge design project as a way of learning about the practice of a nudge design studio. The invented studio (you will name it later), will then be used as “the client” for which you will create a motion graphic branding video. In this way you learn about two important parts of the contemporary design landscape which is ever more cross disciplinary."
Hofstra North Campus (Student Dorms)
Where the problem happens:
(Alliance Hall)

Why don't people recycle:
1. too confusing (uncertain which plastics are recyclable)
2. not easily accessible/or nearby
3. doesn’t think it makes a difference

Benefits of recycling:
1. reduce waste in landfills
2. take care of the environment 
3. reduce pollution
4. create jobs
All images that I didn't take myself are from google images
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