Fall Semester 2017
Nudge Design Portfolio Part 2
How can I use Nudge Design to fix the problem?
Assignment Description:
"Propose a desired outcome (behavior change) employing one of the “design tips” from the 'Behavioral Economics: Applying Behavioral Economics and Cognitive Psychology to the Design Process' reading. Create the Photomontage in Photoshop simulating your proposed solution."
The Plan:
Make the chore into a fun basketball game
-easy to do
-hard to miss the basketball design
-fun to take a quick shot into the recycle bin
-less like a chore, more like a game
-draws attention to recycling
-even if students eventually stop playing the game, they know where the bin is now
Storyboard to show my solution:
Photomontage (Gif) of my proposed sollution:
Featuring: Michael Jordan
Design tip used:
To encourage people to select an option or engage in behaviors where the positive outcomes are delayed, introduce present benefits to make the desired outcome more appealing.
Scoring a shot = instant positive outcome
Website used for design tip:
All images that I didn't take myself are from google images