Fall Semester 2017
Nudge Design Portfolio Part 3
Making logos for a Nudge Design Studio
Assignment Description Part 1:
"Choose three countries from different regions of the world. Do not include the USA or other English speaking countries. Select three nudge/behavior design words from the assignment readings and translate these words into the three other languages. One language for each of the three words. Make one slide showing the three selected words and the three foreign language translations of these words. Search for images associated with these words (five images per word in the foreign language). So, 3 words x 5 images = total of 15 images)."
Translating the words:

Images associated with the words:

Assignment Description Part 2:
"Make a name by combining the translated words into a single fake word. Then make a symbol (logo) for the invented nudge design studio, based upon the shape(s) selected from the images that you came up with in 3a."
Making the name "Pashto":

How I used the images for inspiration:

Logo Brainstorming:

Final 5 choices:

Logo with Pashto incorporated:

Top 4 choices before class critique:

Final Logo:

All images that I didn't take myself are from google images